Guarantee of ABC Portage

Umbrellas allow experts to provide services to business customers and negotiate the terms in total autonomy, while benefiting from the protection of employment status.

In France, employment entitles you to a range of social security benefits including unemployment insurance, healthcare and pensions, as long as you pay taxes and French social security.

ABC Portage acts as a channel between you and the client. Thus, it will manage the administrative aspects of the job such as timesheet, taxes and other fees. You technically become their employee but still work as an independent worker and can discuss the contract terms with the clients as they best suit you.

France has one of the best regulations for umbrellas. Indeed, in 2008 the French government recognized umbrella companies. The Labour Code clearly defines the portage as “a set of contractual relations organized between a “porter”, a ported person and client companies which include the umbrella system and the compensation for its delivery to the client by the porting company. It guarantees the rights of the person brought on their contribution to customers.”

Governing Collective Labor Agreement

Any person who carries out paid work and is considered as an employee is protected by employment law rules. Since the French government recognized umbrella companies as a valid model, all the consultants have access to related benefits and are protected by the work legislation rules.

In 2015, the government presented a Government Ordinance that sets the umbrella companies operating conditions:

  • Umbrella companies are not permitted for job roles that do not require a professional qualification.
  • Implementation of a wage guarantee for the benefit of the employees.
  • Payroll and unemployment insurance are compatible.
  • Creation of a contract of employment in salary, which can be fixed term contract or indefinite contract.
  • Recognition of the rights opened by these contracts with Pôle Emploi.

In order to establish the objectives and terms of the project, ABC Portage will sign a contractual agreement and a work order with the consultants. The documents are compliant with the governing Collective Labour Agreement and offer guarantee that the activities are performed under the provisions of business development services.

Insurance coverage

Since part of the social security contribution goes to insurance for medical expenses, as an employee you will be reimbursed of most of the medical expenses including private practice doctors, pharmacy, hospitalization, optical costs, dental costs, among others.

This is the coverage plan the consultant can benefit from:

Care and treatments Coverage by the French Social Security System
Doctor’s fees (within the coordinated healthcare pathway through your primary-care physician) 70%
Doctor’s fees (outside the coordinated healthcare pathway) 30%
Licensed health workers’ fees 60%
Medical analyses 60%
Pharmaceuticals 100%, 65%, 30%, or 15% depending on the recognized “medical service rendered”
Care and hospitalizations in connection with a long-term illness 100%
Hospital stays of 30 days or less 80%
Hospitalization from the 31st day and beyond 100%
Hospital stays that include an extensive procedure with a fee of 120€ or more 100%
18 € will be deducted from your reimbursement